When Is a Plumbing Access Panel Necessary?
Sometimes, it’s not easy to know when to have something before it becomes necessary. When it happens, it’s probably too late to make changes. One of the most dreaded incidents you’ll ever encounter is a plumbing-related one.
The best way to avoid plumbing issues is through regular maintenance and inspection. One of the most effective is installing drywall access doors and panels. However, this installation is not suitable for every setting. So, if you are thinking of having one for your property, when will you know that you need one?
The Access Panel’s Purpose
An access panel is an accessory you can add to existing and future structures. The most typical materials utilized for its construction are plywood or plastic, though there are other versions. You can find an access panel on the rear portion of a tub or shower plumbing wall.
They’ll also be helpful if you change the finish or design of your fixtures in the future. Another advantage is that you can easily hide the panel beneath towels or clothing, as in the case of using hidden plumbing access.
When Do You Need One?
Accessing plumbing shutoffs and routine maintenance behind drywall is straightforward with an access panel. It eliminates the need to remove and then fix drywall before painting. It also provides a convenient inspection point if you detect any problems or areas of concern.
It might be challenging to access critical utility areas like valves and other control mechanisms vital for the function of your plumbing system without one. They also protect from exposure because the elements or unauthorized access might compromise your plumbing components.
Access Panel Types
A sheet of plywood will probably be sufficient as an access panel. You can also buy a prefabricated plumbing access panel made of metal or plastic with a removable door and frame. You install these products by cutting the necessary size hole in the drywall, then bonding the access panel framing into position.
You may notice that buildings have panels installed to facilitate access to security and networking equipment. Other people keep valuables hidden in access panels; some even construct dummy access panels to keep valuables safe from burglars.
Other Types of Access Door and Panel
Metal Access Panel: You need a metal access panel if your setting requires a more robust material. It is a fire-resistant panel and offers medium-security levels to prevent unwanted access.
Drywall Access Panel: Drywall access panels are ideal for plumbing system installations in particular zones such as attics and basements. It is preferable to add metal or plastic because drywall composites are excellent materials for walls and ceilings.
This type of access panel is simple to set up. In only a few minutes, contractors can place a drywall access panel. This material is also ideal for concealing cables, wires, and water valves.
The Takeaway
The access door or panel you choose will impact your plumbing components in more ways than one. You need to seek the advice of an expert before making any significant decisions when selecting the most suitable one for your setting. Please be wise and ensure that you’re getting the correct information.